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    Signs Your Website Needs an Update

    Signs Your Website Needs an Update It’s not always easy to determine if your website needs an update. If you haven’t updated your site in some time, it’s likely that it could benefit from a facelift. Likewise if you feel that your website doesn’t stack up to the competition. If you are embarrassed to point …

    How to Build Trust on Social Media

    How to Build Trust on Social Media By now, your company probably has some type of presence on social media. But you may have found that it’s getting more difficult to reach your audience. People are growing tired of being advertised to, and they are especially good at tuning out automated, robotic messaging. Building trust …

    What are the Benefits of Guest Blogging?

    What are the Benefits of Guest Blogging? Have you been asked to provide someone with a guest blog? You may be flattered at the gesture, but what does it really mean to guest blog, and what benefits will it bring your business? Typically speaking, guest blogging is a great opportunity to gain a bigger following …

    Try These 8 Tips to Get More Followers on Instagram

    Try These 8 Tips to Get More Followers on Instagram By now you probably know that Instagram is a growing channel that lets businesses engage their customers. You can use the channel to humanize your brand, highlight your product or service, recruit future employees, entertain customers and generate new business. The thing is, it’s hard …

    10 Tips to Help You Write Better Social Media Content

    10 Tips to Help You Write Better Social Media Content Content will continue to be crucial for your digital marketing strategy in 2016, so it’s a good idea to redefine the expectations you have for it. Not only does the content on your website and blogs count, but so does the content posted on your …

    How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog from Facebook

    How to Drive Traffic to Your Blog from Facebook One way to drive traffic to your blog is by posting content on Facebook. The problem is that there is so much noise on Facebook, it can be difficult to get your content noticed. You do have the option to “boost” your posts, but driving organic …

    10 SEO Factors You Can’t Ignore

    10 SEO Factors You Can’t Ignore Despite what some say about SEO being dead, an SEO strategy is a critical part of your online presence. Without a well-constructed SEO strategy, your customers won’t be able to find you when conducting their searches. Let’s say you provide residential painting services in the area. When people search …

    Why Holiday Reputation Management Matters

    Why Holiday Reputation Management Matters You can go through all the trouble to establish a strong holiday marketing strategy, but if your brand doesn’t have a solid online presence, your strategy won’t go far. More consumers will be using the Internet to shop online this holiday season, and they won’t hesitate to spend their time …

    Tips for Making Social Media Work for You

    Tips for Making Social Media Work for You With so much advice regarding social media, it’s hard to know which practices to follow. One minute you’re advised to do this; the next something completely different. One of the reasons why the advice changes so much is that social media is flooded with new content every …

    Blog | KBDC, Inc. - Part 31