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    3 Great Reasons Why You Need a Social Media Strategy

    3 Great Reasons Why You Need a Social Media Strategy Simply existing on social media is not enough to take your brand to the next level. However, many small and midsize businesses jump onto social media without a clearly defined strategy. The problem with this casual approach is that you have no direction – no …

    Improve Your Website’s Visibility with these Tricks

    Improve Your Website’s Visibility with these Tricks The internet is becoming more crowded by the minute. To help your brand stand out, you need a competitive digital marketing strategy that includes social media, paid ads, SEO and more. Before you get too caught up in visibility, be sure you are following this simple rule: be …

    Is SEO Worth the Investment for Small Brands?

    Is SEO Worth the Investment for Small Brands? As a small business, you don’t have money to throw away. Investing in the wrong campaign can hurt your business and make it harder to bounce back than your bigger competitors. It’s no surprise, then, that small brands question an investment in search engine optimization. Is SEO …

    10 Types of Interactive Content You Should Be Using

    10 Types of Interactive Content You Should Be Using Interactive content is successful at attracting attention and driving brand awareness. It’s also a great way to diversify your content marketing strategy. According to 2017 research from Content Marketing Institute and ion interactive, 46% of content marketers use interactive content and 68% agree that it’s an …

    Increasing Engagement Through Better UX

    Increasing Engagement Through Better UX You can learn a lot about what people think of your website based on how long they visit. The longer users stay on your site, the more they engage and learn about your business. This is why user experience, or UX, is so important. If you don’t provide a good …

    5 Ways to Refresh Your Digital Marketing Strategy

    5 Ways to Refresh Your Digital Marketing Strategy When business gets slow, it’s a sign that you need to refresh your digital marketing strategy. Fortunately, you don’t need to do anything significant or expensive to see results. A fresh perspective is good for you and your audience, and it might be all you need to …

    How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Digital Marketing

    How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Digital Marketing Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more commonplace in our everyday lives. Even if you are not particularly technologically savvy, you still use AI more than you realize. Let’s look at an example. As you’re getting ready for work, you check the traffic on your smartphone using a Maps …

    Why Online Communities are Vital to Your Brand

    Why Online Communities are Vital to Your Brand They say it takes a village to raise a child. Well, it takes a community to grow a brand. It has been proven that businesses benefit from their online communities. Taking the time to develop, nurture and grow your influencers is an important part of maintaining your …

    Grow Your Email List With These Content Upgrades

    Grow Your Email List With These Content Upgrades How would you like to grow your email list? Today, we are going to talk about content upgrades and how they can quickly and efficiently grow your subscriber list. The best part is, content upgrades help you land more qualified leads rather than general subscribers who might …

    Blog | KBDC, Inc. - Part 27